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Ten or twenty years ago, debt would be a very private affair while temptation to spend would be easy to avoid. Now, with the internet, there are many trappings that can impact on you financially and psychologically when trying to take control of your money.

Of course, the web has facilitated help and made it easier to seek advice alongside Scottish debt solutions like ours but it is also responsible for making us feel inadequate, in some cases it’s actually the cause of debt itself.

Digital Trappings to Avoid When Struggling with DebtHere are some digital trappings to avoid when you have chosen to take control of your debt.

Social Media

Social media is incredible for connecting with friends and sharing photographs but it also plays a great part in our emotions. The majority of users on social media channels only ever share the good news, leaving all the nitty gritty out of their updates. You’ll rarely see a friend shouting about their red letter bills or mentioning they’d just had bailiffs knocking at the door. You may though, see the same friend, showing off a new sofa or sharing snaps of a family holiday. (Even if the sofa was bought on a catalogue further spiralling the friend into debt).

Remember to read updates the same as you would a tabloid newspaper, with a huge grain of salt. If you must use the platforms, learn to look between the lines and realise there are people there sharing the same situation as you. People avoid debt solutions as they worry about their reputation or being unable to keep up with their peers. The fact is, with a good debt solution, you can still enjoy the luxuries, you just won’t dissolve further into debt as you do.

EBay and Amazon

EBay is addictive, it’s also very expensive, especially when bidding and when postage costs are added on top. Many people use EBay as they already have an account and so it’s a lot easier to purchase with a single click. The problem is EBay are the masters of the upsell, as are Amazon. You visit to buy a simple summer top, you leave with a basket full. The Recommended Products, Related Products and daily deals are all constructed in such a way to tempt you psychologically. Try to avoid these two sites altogether when saving money and if you must buy products, pick them up in real time in your lunch hour instead, saving you postage costs and the temptation to buy more.

We offer Debt Consolidation Loans for homeowners.

Our team is on hand to help with number of questions you may have.

If you are struggling with debt, please visit Money Advice Service for help and advice.

We are a broker, not a lender.

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